gospel communities

Gospel Communities help each other know Jesus more by praying, reading the Bible and discussing life together – as we support each other in the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of our lives. We make Jesus known by finding ways to serve our local community, places of education or work and the wider city by sharing the gospel and helping in practical ways.

In May of 2024 we launched our small groups. These are a smaller group of people gathering weekly to disciple one another into a deeper relationship with Jesus. If you would like to visit or join a group, please contact us at info@ccncl.co.uk.

  • Dom & kat's gospel community

    Our GC offers a brew, cake and a relaxed environment with a focus on friendship. We aim to spur each other on in our walk with God as we impact the community where we live.

  • stephen & lynn's gospel community

    We love to get together. Usually we eat, now and again we go out and about. We tend to laugh a lot! We love Jesus, enjoy and encourage conversations about what God is doing in our lives, pray with passion and support each other as we go.

  • Andy, rachel, SARAH & JACOB's gospel community

    We encourage and challenge each other through community, with a strong focus on what God has been teaching each of us from the Bible and how He has been using us to further his Gospel during the week.

  • tim, tasha, andy & grace's gospel community

    We want to build deep and honest relationships with God and each other; to encourage us to reach out to neighbours and friends with the love of God. 

    Everyone is welcome!

seeing jesus together

In the Bible, to “see” is to understand and believe. It is the language of faith. 

When we “See Jesus” for who He is and what he does, then our souls will be satisfied, our hearts will be filled with Hope and we will be transformed into His likeness. 

Wise Christians organise their life around healthy, faith-filled and personalised Spiritual Disciplines. As we intentionally engage, we understand that we are not earning God’s love but instead are choosing to enjoy the love of God that has already been lavished upon us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

We want to help you see Jesus so that you are satisfied, filled with hope and are eager to display Jesus. We do this in our weekly Small Group gatherings, where we disciple One Another into a deeper relationship with Jesus.  

If you would like to participate in this, please contact us at info@ccncl.co.uk. In the meantime, why not take up the six day solitude challenge before.